



First off, it’s been a while since I’ve posted any new music to my site or done anything remotely creative. Finding the right balance between geek and artist has been challenging. But I’m back with a tease as to what I’ve been doing with my time…

The audio STUFFSONG was programmed almost entirely in Ableton Live using mostly Operators and a few other plugins including. The visuals are created using Processing 2.0 and the Maxim library from Mick Grierson, Matthew Yee-King, Marco Gillies.

I created the visualizer as my final project for the “Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps” class. If you guys have an inquisitive mind like mine you will love their site. They have TONS of classes available for all kinds of things.

UPDATE: I no longer have this code up but you can still get the track if you like.

You also can find the code here: GitHub Repository


— Juan